Assembly of People of Kazakhstan



In the formation of a unique model of Kazakhstani unity, the most important role is assigned to the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (APK).

The main task of the ANC is to implement the state national policy, ensure socio-political stability in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and increase the efficiency of interaction between state and civil institutions of society in the field of interethnic relations.

The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan was formed by the Decree of the Head of State on March 1, 1995. The composition of the Assembly is 583 people.

Regional assemblies have been created in Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, and regions, headed by the corresponding akims.

The highest body of the Assembly is the session, which is held annually under the chairmanship of the President of the country, the Chairman of the ANC. All its decisions are binding for consideration by government agencies.

Between sessions, the Assembly Council works, which includes representatives of republican ethnocultural associations (hereinafter referred to as ECO), public figures, deputies of Parliament, ministers, and regional akims. The composition of the Assembly Council is 84 people.

The ANC Secretariat is part of the Presidential Administration as an independent structural unit (7 people).

The head of the Secretariat is also the Deputy Chairman of the ANC. Two Deputy Chairmen from ECO are appointed by order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on a rotation basis upon the proposal of the Assembly Council.

As part of the implementation of the political reform program, institutional changes took place.

The organization received a new effective instrument of parliamentary representation - 5 deputies of the Senate of Parliament, appointed by the Head of State at the proposal of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.

In June 2023, on behalf of the Head of State, a deputy group was created - “Bir el - bir mudde”.

Their responsible mission is to strengthen our unity at the legislative level.

The parliamentary group “Bir el - bir mudde” included 30 deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including 10 from the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 20 from the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The institution of regular consultations of the Assembly with political parties has become operational.

In the regions, based on memorandums of joint activities, a whole layer of new social work is already being implemented.

Currently, more than 1,000 ethnocultural associations operate in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To coordinate and ensure the work of the ANC in the regions, 34 Houses of Friendshipoperate everywhere. These are multifunctional resource centers of the Assembly (integration, mediation, and volunteering) and platforms for the implementation of several republican and international projects of the Assembly.

Throughout the country, Friendship Houses have implemented more than 100 effective socially significant projects.

The Assembly includes over 4 thousand public structures, within which more than 50,000 people are constantly working to strengthen peace and unity in our country.

This is truly unique and one of the most developed civil society institutions in our country.

The work of public structures of the Assembly plays a huge role in preserving traditions and culture, integration, and intercultural communication. The unifying potential of the Assembly is realized precisely through them.

“Aksakaldar kenesi” was created in 2023 on behalf of the Head of State.

In all regions of the country, 1119 Aksakaldar Kenesi ANCs have been formed, which include 7639 citizens from famous personalities, public opinion leaders, ethnocultural, veterans’ associations, and other public organizations.

In 2023, 6,358 events were held with the participation of Aksakaldar Kenesi members, covering 190,007 people.

Today, elders effectively conduct ethnomediation, public receptions, and consultations with citizens, visit correctional institutions, and prevent suicides and religious extremism.

In some areas, Aksakaldar Kenesi councils are engaged in solving problems with drinking water, improving the quality of roads, and paying attention to the construction of children's playgrounds.

The activities of the Councils of Mothers of the Assembly are developing comprehensively.

1,713 mothers’ councils consisting of over 16 thousand people are implementing the national project “Madenietti Ana – Madenietti Ult”.

In 2023, Mothers' Councils held 6,172 events with the participation of more than 252.5 thousand people.

They are designed to help preserve and strengthen the institution of family, instill spiritual and moral values, and prevent crime among young people.

During the implementation of the project “Madenietti ana - Madenietti ult”, the interaction between Mothers’ Councils and various non-governmental organizations was built. A variety of assistance is provided to large families, and women's entrepreneurship is developed.

The youth organization “Zhastara Assembly” was created following the instructions of the Head of State at an expanded meeting of the ANC Council in October 2021.

Representatives of the youth organization are actively working in all regions.

Over 9 thousand young people are involved in the work of the Zhastara Assembly.

In 2023, more than 1,000 multi-format republican events were held in the regions with the participation of ANC youth, covering more than 50,000 participants.

It is worth mentioning separately the Assembly’s Mediation Councils, created on behalf of the Head of State.

There are 1,294 mediators registered in the ANC register; at the end of 2023, a total of 2,621 mediation agreements were concluded. Since the beginning of this year, due to the transition of the Mediation Council to a new format of work (ethnomediation - work is being done to prevent conflict situations), mediation agreements have not been concluded.

Last year, the training seminar on ethnomediation covered 1,380 listeners. They contribute to the formation of knowledge and skills in resolving conflict situations, teaching techniques and mechanisms for using mediation, and contributing to the development of preventive policy. A complex of scientific, analytical, and applied research is being carried out in the field of interethnic relations.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is conducting important research.

During 2018-2023, a total of 7 scientific and technical programs were implemented. As part of grant funding for 2022-2024, 5 projects in the field of interethnic relations are being implemented.

The Institute of Applied Ethnopolitical Research and the Scientific Expert Council of the ANC carry out systematic work to study interethnic processes, formulate scientifically based recommendations on a wide range of issues, and monitor and analyze the interethnic situation in the country.

There are 18 scientific expert groups operating in the regions, uniting about 360 experts.

In 2023, 3 studies were conducted in the interethnic sphere, and a monitoring group visited 10 regions of the country to develop specific measures.

The Association of Departments and Centers of the ANK "Shanyrak" actively operates in educational institutions of the countries and unites intellectual efforts in the development of unified scientific, educational, and methodological approaches.

There are 23 departments, centers, and representative offices on issues of public policy in the field of interethnic relations.

Particular attention is paid to working in the media, promoting the values ​​of peace and harmony in the information space.

Journalists' Clubs operate under the auspices of the Assembly, and ethnic media operate.

There are 21 journalist clubs: 1 republican and 20 regionals. The total number of members of the journalist’s club in the region is 207 people.

More than 10 thousand materials aimed at promoting the values ​​of peace and harmony are published annually.

There are 52 media outlets of ethnocultural associations in 15 languages.

Systematic work is being carried out to counter “hate speech”, provocations on ethnic and linguistic grounds are being suppressed, and an emphasis is being placed on preventive work.

ANC Ambassadors of Friendship.

The Institute of Public Diplomacy of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan - the Corps of Friendship Ambassadors - is successfully functioning.

Today, 14 friendship ambassadors of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan make a special contribution to the development of cooperation with other nations, representing the Kazakhstani model of peace and harmony.

In 2023, on behalf of the Head of State, given at the XXXII Session of the ANC, a state award was established - the Order of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan “El Birligi”, which is awarded for contribution to the preservation of social harmony and national unity of the people of Kazakhstan.

On the eve of Republic Day, October 24, 2023, 7 people were awarded the Order of El Birligi for their fruitful work in the name of strengthening the unity of the nation and ensuring public harmony.

In 2023, for the first time, Prizes were established for the best works and works in the fields of literature and journalism, culture, and art to strengthen intercultural and interethnic unity. The purpose of the award is to recognize the services of cultural and artistic figures, writers, and journalists to society and the state for their special valuable contribution to strengthening intercultural and interethnic unity.

On the eve of Republic Day, a solemn ceremony was held to award the prize winners in 14 categories.

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